Saturday, July 9, 2011

Short-n-Sweet Saturday 7-9-11

This week's oneshot recommendation is....

Dealing With The Pressure by Layne Faire

Walking across the room, I dragged my faded black Nine Inch Nails t-shirt over my head, before tugging at the waist of my jeans, the well-worn buttonholes easily giving way. Reaching the bathroom, I shoved the faded denim down and stepped out of them, my rigid cock springing free to bob up against my tensed abdomen. Moisture had already begun to accumulate on the reddened tip. Palming the head to gather it on my hand, I pushed the door almost closed, before stepping over to the window that looked out over the backyard…and the pool. The track changed on my iPod, "In Your Room" by Depeche Mode filling the air. While my hand languidly stroked down the pulsing shaft, my eyes sought out the object of my obsession. Focusing on only him, I watched him walk the edge of the pool, his wide shoulders tapering down to narrow hips. His shorts had slid down from the weight of the water, the dimples at the top of his ass begging for my tongue to dip into the divots.


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